Walking from Bainbridge to Semerwater

We stocked up with pork pies from the Bakewell in Askrigg on the way.

  • Posted On: 6 April 2022
Walking from Bainbridge to Semerwater

The walk started in Bainbridge, directing us on the old roman road out of the village. I was pretty sure we’d walked this way before and when I checked in ‘Death Cart’ I discovered that it was on that very track that Millie first held hands with Jake.  She was an archaeology student at the time, carrying out field work on the site of a chariot burial in Bainbridge. Despite expert Richard Hayton assuring me it was virtually impossible for such a find to be located in Wensleydale, I persuaded the British Museum to allow me to use their photograph of the Wetwang burial on the cover of my book. Semerwater is the second largest natural lake in North Yorkshire after Malham Tarn and according to the legend it was once the site of a city. When a hermit arrived asking for shelter, he was turned away by everyone except a poor couple. On leaving the man cursed the city, saying they should all drown except the kindly couple. The village was flooded, leaving only the couple’s hovel on the hillside.

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