You may have noticed the Swaledale sheep logo on the back covers of my books, indicating that my work originates “in the Yorkshire Dales National Park”. The narratives in my crime novels are set in real locations across the region and you may also have spotted displays of my books in the National Park Centres on your travels. I have been dropping in to the centres during my various walks [from the National Park app], including those at Hawes, Aysgarth, Grassington and Malham – I even signed a copy of ‘Corpse Way’ for a visitor when I popped into the centre in Reeth to use the internet! In my opinion, YDNP provides an excellent range of information and activities compared to some other National Park regions. So I was disappointed to read today that Government funding is being cut to national parks generally and the YDNP will have a budget shortfall of £1.3m by 2025, the largest deficit of any English authority.